Friday, December 2, 2011

Modern Times - Quality v/s Quantity

In modern times, Stress is on rise. Everywhere whether in media, at work or at home we hear discussions about stress and stress management. It is a major topic of discussion as we speed through our hectic days. Demanding work , compulsions to achieve goals, fast paced city life, intense competition, long working hrs, no job security, long travelling hrs, technological changes (keeping pace with learning new things), working mothers/spouses, nuclear families are few of aspects of modern life style which is taking its toll on us.

From Human Beings, we are fast becoming Human doings. Everyone seems to have far too many tasks they want to accomplish.We hardly think about pacing ourselves better. While it is true that we are now living longer than we ever have, but are we living better, healthier than before? Do we have better quality of life? Or is it just quality v/s quantity?

In this new age of abundant possibilities, many of us go limp from indecision. With so many options at our disposal, we often wonder whether the path we are taking is the most appropriate path. We can’t help ourselves from wondering questions like “Is this really what I want?” ”Will it lead to optimum utilization of my skill?”,”Is this what I love doing?" Certainty becomes very difficult to achieve. Unchosen possibilities linger forever. We become compulsive comparers – Always wondering if we should have taken that path (which others are treading). Always thinking that others are much luckier than we are. All this leads to anxiety. One spends all his time contemplating the options and deferring any action. What is the way out?

I think the best way to tackle anxiety or stress is to develop an attitude of accepting things that we can’t change, giving our best to do things we can change and foster wisdom to know the difference. Keeping things in perspective is also very vital for example sometimes when we get late for work, we usually hurry on road without realizing that it will hardly matter if we are 5 minutes late, but what is at stake is huge(our lives). Then having good sense of humour, being positive, establishing a network of social support , having healthy lifestyle, cultivating hobbies, making time for recreation, keeping yourself engaged(maybe volunteering), expressing gratitude, giving/sharing freely, practising detachment, not being self opinionated, being carefree not careless, living in present, discussing problems, keeping a pet(if one likes). All these can help one in keeping free from stress and anxiety. We should also remember that practising stress free life style is an incremental process we should slowly and gradually start inculcating these habits in your lifestyle and see the difference.


Anonymous said...

You are a spiritual prelature man…good writ up …thank you…

Ankit Goyal said...

@Shivanand thanx for appreciation .... although i think m not worthy of such big words ...

visagedaksha said...

hey how do i follow ur blog??

Sunil Maurya said...

Good to see this post and you have done well to capture various aspects.

One thing I would like to say that, we should continue to do the best from our side and not give up or accept that nothing can be changed.
Respect everyone, listen everyone, value everyone, but do not let it go and keep the faith belief and make and keep trying ur best and things will change sooner or later

Sunil Maurya said...

Beside tangible official work that we do for making our living, I see a huge list that should be done which u have already posted, but how much of it is implemented?
Let do self scrutiny and find:
1. In a day how many times u smile and laugh?
2. How many people u meet besides team members
3. How many times u go out with others for networking
4. What r u doing for Healthy lifestyle( walk, run, gym,yoga,etc)
5. What topics u discuss in a day
6. What changes or improvements we think, believe plan or propose

Still many more to list.......however I shall not specify.....

Let's take an oath to live a happy life free from greed, anger and frustrations.


Sunil Maurya said...

Simple keys to success
1. Give up all ur desires for materials
2. Try to see god in every living being
3. Help and forgive others
4. Do not differentiate between any two person(irrespective of any post, religion, physical apperance,etc) and treat them with equal enthusiasm, respect and honour.