Saturday, February 18, 2012

Micro Review of 84th Oscar Best Movie Nominees

With Oscar Awards just a week away I thought of sharing my views on these years Best Movie Nominees. In this Era of Micro-Blogging and diminishing Attention Span I have tried to keep my reviews to 2-3 Lines.

War horse is an emotional drama that moves its audience with Spielberg's customary flair.It is Beautifully shot epic movie with splendid background score.It is a joyous, uplifting and sentimental film.It's a worthwhile experience which reminds one of Black Beauty and Saving Private Ryan.Rating-7/10.

The Descendants is a meaningful, Intelligent ,dramatic film about a guy who is coping with a dying, unfaithful wife and understanding the nuances of parenthood. It's an emotional roller coaster ride which is highly recommended. Rating-8/10 …

Moneyball is a smart, intense biographical film about how Billy Beane (General manager of Oakland Athletic Baseball team) assembles a competitive team with a payroll that is a mere fraction of that of league Giants like New York Yankees. It’s a movie about the war between intuition and statistics.Rating-7.5/10.

The Help is an entertaining, touching, involving and wonderfully acted movie set during Civil Rights era in America in the early 1960s. It is a tale told from point of black maids who raises little white girls with great love and care but these little girls inexorably turns into their mothers and mistreats them( with rare exceptions). Rating-7/10

The Tree of Life is one of the most ambitious films ever made which tries to understand meaning of life. It has scenes from beginning of universe to its end. It is an emotional as well as visual treat. It is a metaphysical, psychological and spiritual inquiry into mankind’s place in this universe. It is one of those movies which even after watching multiple times is difficult to comprehend. Highly Recommended Rating- 8/10

Midnight in Paris is romantic comedy fantasy film directed by Woody Allen, who I consider is a treasure to cinema. This film is about a universal belief that if we lived in particular Golden Age, life would be so much simpler and fun. It is a love letter to Paris. Rating- 7/10

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is a story about a precocious boy trying to reconcile with the death of his father in 9/11 while finding the lock that matches a mysterious key left behind by his father. This movie is emotionally draining and has lots of implausible elements in its story which at times makes it difficult to watch. Rating – 6/10

The Artist is a charming, delightful movie with drama, comedy, action and romance gorgeously intertwined. It reminds one of great movies like Kagaaz ke Phool, Singin in the Rain and Sunset Blvd. It is a love letter to silent cinema. It is an experience that shouldn’t be missed. Rating – 8/10

Hugo: I am yet to see this film. It is releasing on 16th March in India.


Raghavendra.r.m said...

Good to see your reviews altogether. I can always refer to this list of movies if i m end up in watching movies at home.

Reading reviews of one who is known to us is far better than reading review of famous critics. :D :D

Ankit Goyal said...

@Raghu Thanx for kind words ...

DurkaGanesh said...

what is your take on a separation?

Ankit Goyal said...

@DurkaGanesh A separation is a wonderful film with simple narrative yet very complex at different level like morally,psycologicaly,emotionally ... All the actors in the movie got under the skin of character .... Its easily the best movie of 2011 ...